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Megan Lynch/Apprentice Minds
Megan Lynch, high school English teacher turned entrepreneur and co-founder Ragan Lynch Simmons are part of Apprentice Minds, an organization that helps young entrepreneurs discover, develop, and demonstrate their passions to the world. Apprentice Minds and the AMEC, Apprentice Minds Entrepreneurial Co-op, made up of 30 entrepreneurs from 5 states launched a Kickstarter campaign to support he next generation of entrepreneurs.
www.ApprenticeMinds.com | Twitter | Facebook
Pete Kane/RevLocal
Business Development Manager
Born in Philadelphia lived in Asheville NC and Richmond Va for 25 yrs and the last 26 years in Marietta. Attended Virginia Tech, enjoy golf, tennis, running and doing Google reviews for local businesses and friends. Married to Carolyn for the last 31 years. We met on the Carnival Cruise lines ….yes the “love boat”. Have two daughters Sarah and Mary Rachel age 28 and 24. and having the time of my life enjoying our almost 2 yrs old granddaughter Ellison.
Most of my career is been in sales and sales management consumer goods companies like Nabisco and food distribution companies like Sysco and US foods. The last 2 years I’ve spent with Revlocal based out of the Columbus Ohio area. A digital marketing company. Pete’s passion has been to help entrepreneurs and small-business owners be successful using new digital strategies. I also love helping people over 50 who didn’t grow up with all this technology to become more productive, less stressed, and lead a more balanced life using Evernote.
www.RevLocal.com | LinkedIn | Twitter (Pete) Twitter (ReLocal) | Google+ | Tumblr
Free resource for information on Evernote: www.EvernoteCampus.info
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